Makeup Demo

EEx - Embedded Elixir template language

A lexer for EEx (Embedded Elixir).

This page shows examples of source files lexed by the same lexer, but rendered into HTML using different styles.

Some styles are richer than others in that they define more different token categories. Examples of such richer styles are the Default style, the Tango style and the Colorful style.

In all cases the lexer is the same, and the only difference is the colors defined by the styles.

Abap Style (abap)

You can access this style as:


And invoke Makeup.stylesheet(style) to generate the appropriate stylesheets for you.


<% Elixir expression - inline with output %>
<%= Elixir expression - replace with result %>
<%% EEx quotation - returns the contents inside %>
<%# Comments - they are discarded from source %>

<%= if true do %>
  It is obviously true
<% else %>
  This will never appear
<% end %>

<%%= x + 3 %>

<%= {:ok, v} = Access.fetch(assigns, :foo); v %>

Algol Style (algol)

You can access this style as:


And invoke Makeup.stylesheet(style) to generate the appropriate stylesheets for you.


<% Elixir expression - inline with output %>
<%= Elixir expression - replace with result %>
<%% EEx quotation - returns the contents inside %>
<%# Comments - they are discarded from source %>

<%= if true do %>
  It is obviously true
<% else %>
  This will never appear
<% end %>

<%%= x + 3 %>

<%= {:ok, v} = Access.fetch(assigns, :foo); v %>

Algol_Nu Style (algol_nu)

You can access this style as:


And invoke Makeup.stylesheet(style) to generate the appropriate stylesheets for you.


<% Elixir expression - inline with output %>
<%= Elixir expression - replace with result %>
<%% EEx quotation - returns the contents inside %>
<%# Comments - they are discarded from source %>

<%= if true do %>
  It is obviously true
<% else %>
  This will never appear
<% end %>

<%%= x + 3 %>

<%= {:ok, v} = Access.fetch(assigns, :foo); v %>

Arduino Style (arduino)

You can access this style as:


And invoke Makeup.stylesheet(style) to generate the appropriate stylesheets for you.


<% Elixir expression - inline with output %>
<%= Elixir expression - replace with result %>
<%% EEx quotation - returns the contents inside %>
<%# Comments - they are discarded from source %>

<%= if true do %>
  It is obviously true
<% else %>
  This will never appear
<% end %>

<%%= x + 3 %>

<%= {:ok, v} = Access.fetch(assigns, :foo); v %>

Autumn Style (autumn)

You can access this style as:


And invoke Makeup.stylesheet(style) to generate the appropriate stylesheets for you.


<% Elixir expression - inline with output %>
<%= Elixir expression - replace with result %>
<%% EEx quotation - returns the contents inside %>
<%# Comments - they are discarded from source %>

<%= if true do %>
  It is obviously true
<% else %>
  This will never appear
<% end %>

<%%= x + 3 %>

<%= {:ok, v} = Access.fetch(assigns, :foo); v %>

Borland Style (borland)

You can access this style as:


And invoke Makeup.stylesheet(style) to generate the appropriate stylesheets for you.


<% Elixir expression - inline with output %>
<%= Elixir expression - replace with result %>
<%% EEx quotation - returns the contents inside %>
<%# Comments - they are discarded from source %>

<%= if true do %>
  It is obviously true
<% else %>
  This will never appear
<% end %>

<%%= x + 3 %>

<%= {:ok, v} = Access.fetch(assigns, :foo); v %>

BlackWhite Style (bw)

You can access this style as:


And invoke Makeup.stylesheet(style) to generate the appropriate stylesheets for you.


<% Elixir expression - inline with output %>
<%= Elixir expression - replace with result %>
<%% EEx quotation - returns the contents inside %>
<%# Comments - they are discarded from source %>

<%= if true do %>
  It is obviously true
<% else %>
  This will never appear
<% end %>

<%%= x + 3 %>

<%= {:ok, v} = Access.fetch(assigns, :foo); v %>

Colorful Style (colorful)

You can access this style as:


And invoke Makeup.stylesheet(style) to generate the appropriate stylesheets for you.


<% Elixir expression - inline with output %>
<%= Elixir expression - replace with result %>
<%% EEx quotation - returns the contents inside %>
<%# Comments - they are discarded from source %>

<%= if true do %>
  It is obviously true
<% else %>
  This will never appear
<% end %>

<%%= x + 3 %>

<%= {:ok, v} = Access.fetch(assigns, :foo); v %>

Default Style (default)

You can access this style as:


And invoke Makeup.stylesheet(style) to generate the appropriate stylesheets for you.


<% Elixir expression - inline with output %>
<%= Elixir expression - replace with result %>
<%% EEx quotation - returns the contents inside %>
<%# Comments - they are discarded from source %>

<%= if true do %>
  It is obviously true
<% else %>
  This will never appear
<% end %>

<%%= x + 3 %>

<%= {:ok, v} = Access.fetch(assigns, :foo); v %>

Emacs Style (emacs)

You can access this style as:


And invoke Makeup.stylesheet(style) to generate the appropriate stylesheets for you.


<% Elixir expression - inline with output %>
<%= Elixir expression - replace with result %>
<%% EEx quotation - returns the contents inside %>
<%# Comments - they are discarded from source %>

<%= if true do %>
  It is obviously true
<% else %>
  This will never appear
<% end %>

<%%= x + 3 %>

<%= {:ok, v} = Access.fetch(assigns, :foo); v %>

Friendly Style (friendly)

You can access this style as:


And invoke Makeup.stylesheet(style) to generate the appropriate stylesheets for you.


<% Elixir expression - inline with output %>
<%= Elixir expression - replace with result %>
<%% EEx quotation - returns the contents inside %>
<%# Comments - they are discarded from source %>

<%= if true do %>
  It is obviously true
<% else %>
  This will never appear
<% end %>

<%%= x + 3 %>

<%= {:ok, v} = Access.fetch(assigns, :foo); v %>

Fruity Style (fruity)

You can access this style as:


And invoke Makeup.stylesheet(style) to generate the appropriate stylesheets for you.


<% Elixir expression - inline with output %>
<%= Elixir expression - replace with result %>
<%% EEx quotation - returns the contents inside %>
<%# Comments - they are discarded from source %>

<%= if true do %>
  It is obviously true
<% else %>
  This will never appear
<% end %>

<%%= x + 3 %>

<%= {:ok, v} = Access.fetch(assigns, :foo); v %>

Igor Style (igor)

You can access this style as:


And invoke Makeup.stylesheet(style) to generate the appropriate stylesheets for you.


<% Elixir expression - inline with output %>
<%= Elixir expression - replace with result %>
<%% EEx quotation - returns the contents inside %>
<%# Comments - they are discarded from source %>

<%= if true do %>
  It is obviously true
<% else %>
  This will never appear
<% end %>

<%%= x + 3 %>

<%= {:ok, v} = Access.fetch(assigns, :foo); v %>

Lovelace Style (lovelace)

You can access this style as:


And invoke Makeup.stylesheet(style) to generate the appropriate stylesheets for you.


<% Elixir expression - inline with output %>
<%= Elixir expression - replace with result %>
<%% EEx quotation - returns the contents inside %>
<%# Comments - they are discarded from source %>

<%= if true do %>
  It is obviously true
<% else %>
  This will never appear
<% end %>

<%%= x + 3 %>

<%= {:ok, v} = Access.fetch(assigns, :foo); v %>

Manni Style (manni)

You can access this style as:


And invoke Makeup.stylesheet(style) to generate the appropriate stylesheets for you.


<% Elixir expression - inline with output %>
<%= Elixir expression - replace with result %>
<%% EEx quotation - returns the contents inside %>
<%# Comments - they are discarded from source %>

<%= if true do %>
  It is obviously true
<% else %>
  This will never appear
<% end %>

<%%= x + 3 %>

<%= {:ok, v} = Access.fetch(assigns, :foo); v %>

Monokai Style (monokai)

You can access this style as:


And invoke Makeup.stylesheet(style) to generate the appropriate stylesheets for you.


<% Elixir expression - inline with output %>
<%= Elixir expression - replace with result %>
<%% EEx quotation - returns the contents inside %>
<%# Comments - they are discarded from source %>

<%= if true do %>
  It is obviously true
<% else %>
  This will never appear
<% end %>

<%%= x + 3 %>

<%= {:ok, v} = Access.fetch(assigns, :foo); v %>

Murphy Style (murphy)

You can access this style as:


And invoke Makeup.stylesheet(style) to generate the appropriate stylesheets for you.


<% Elixir expression - inline with output %>
<%= Elixir expression - replace with result %>
<%% EEx quotation - returns the contents inside %>
<%# Comments - they are discarded from source %>

<%= if true do %>
  It is obviously true
<% else %>
  This will never appear
<% end %>

<%%= x + 3 %>

<%= {:ok, v} = Access.fetch(assigns, :foo); v %>

Native Style (native)

You can access this style as:


And invoke Makeup.stylesheet(style) to generate the appropriate stylesheets for you.


<% Elixir expression - inline with output %>
<%= Elixir expression - replace with result %>
<%% EEx quotation - returns the contents inside %>
<%# Comments - they are discarded from source %>

<%= if true do %>
  It is obviously true
<% else %>
  This will never appear
<% end %>

<%%= x + 3 %>

<%= {:ok, v} = Access.fetch(assigns, :foo); v %>

ParaisoDark Style (paraiso_dark)

You can access this style as:


And invoke Makeup.stylesheet(style) to generate the appropriate stylesheets for you.


<% Elixir expression - inline with output %>
<%= Elixir expression - replace with result %>
<%% EEx quotation - returns the contents inside %>
<%# Comments - they are discarded from source %>

<%= if true do %>
  It is obviously true
<% else %>
  This will never appear
<% end %>

<%%= x + 3 %>

<%= {:ok, v} = Access.fetch(assigns, :foo); v %>

ParaisoLight Style (paraiso_light)

You can access this style as:


And invoke Makeup.stylesheet(style) to generate the appropriate stylesheets for you.


<% Elixir expression - inline with output %>
<%= Elixir expression - replace with result %>
<%% EEx quotation - returns the contents inside %>
<%# Comments - they are discarded from source %>

<%= if true do %>
  It is obviously true
<% else %>
  This will never appear
<% end %>

<%%= x + 3 %>

<%= {:ok, v} = Access.fetch(assigns, :foo); v %>

Pastie Style (pastie)

You can access this style as:


And invoke Makeup.stylesheet(style) to generate the appropriate stylesheets for you.


<% Elixir expression - inline with output %>
<%= Elixir expression - replace with result %>
<%% EEx quotation - returns the contents inside %>
<%# Comments - they are discarded from source %>

<%= if true do %>
  It is obviously true
<% else %>
  This will never appear
<% end %>

<%%= x + 3 %>

<%= {:ok, v} = Access.fetch(assigns, :foo); v %>

Perldoc Style (perldoc)

You can access this style as:


And invoke Makeup.stylesheet(style) to generate the appropriate stylesheets for you.


<% Elixir expression - inline with output %>
<%= Elixir expression - replace with result %>
<%% EEx quotation - returns the contents inside %>
<%# Comments - they are discarded from source %>

<%= if true do %>
  It is obviously true
<% else %>
  This will never appear
<% end %>

<%%= x + 3 %>

<%= {:ok, v} = Access.fetch(assigns, :foo); v %>

RainbowDash Style (rainbow_dash)

You can access this style as:


And invoke Makeup.stylesheet(style) to generate the appropriate stylesheets for you.


<% Elixir expression - inline with output %>
<%= Elixir expression - replace with result %>
<%% EEx quotation - returns the contents inside %>
<%# Comments - they are discarded from source %>

<%= if true do %>
  It is obviously true
<% else %>
  This will never appear
<% end %>

<%%= x + 3 %>

<%= {:ok, v} = Access.fetch(assigns, :foo); v %>

Rrt Style (rrt)

You can access this style as:


And invoke Makeup.stylesheet(style) to generate the appropriate stylesheets for you.


<% Elixir expression - inline with output %>
<%= Elixir expression - replace with result %>
<%% EEx quotation - returns the contents inside %>
<%# Comments - they are discarded from source %>

<%= if true do %>
  It is obviously true
<% else %>
  This will never appear
<% end %>

<%%= x + 3 %>

<%= {:ok, v} = Access.fetch(assigns, :foo); v %>

Tango Style (tango)

You can access this style as:


And invoke Makeup.stylesheet(style) to generate the appropriate stylesheets for you.


<% Elixir expression - inline with output %>
<%= Elixir expression - replace with result %>
<%% EEx quotation - returns the contents inside %>
<%# Comments - they are discarded from source %>

<%= if true do %>
  It is obviously true
<% else %>
  This will never appear
<% end %>

<%%= x + 3 %>

<%= {:ok, v} = Access.fetch(assigns, :foo); v %>

Trac Style (trac)

You can access this style as:


And invoke Makeup.stylesheet(style) to generate the appropriate stylesheets for you.


<% Elixir expression - inline with output %>
<%= Elixir expression - replace with result %>
<%% EEx quotation - returns the contents inside %>
<%# Comments - they are discarded from source %>

<%= if true do %>
  It is obviously true
<% else %>
  This will never appear
<% end %>

<%%= x + 3 %>

<%= {:ok, v} = Access.fetch(assigns, :foo); v %>

Vim Style (vim)

You can access this style as:


And invoke Makeup.stylesheet(style) to generate the appropriate stylesheets for you.


<% Elixir expression - inline with output %>
<%= Elixir expression - replace with result %>
<%% EEx quotation - returns the contents inside %>
<%# Comments - they are discarded from source %>

<%= if true do %>
  It is obviously true
<% else %>
  This will never appear
<% end %>

<%%= x + 3 %>

<%= {:ok, v} = Access.fetch(assigns, :foo); v %>

VisualStudio Style (vs)

You can access this style as:


And invoke Makeup.stylesheet(style) to generate the appropriate stylesheets for you.


<% Elixir expression - inline with output %>
<%= Elixir expression - replace with result %>
<%% EEx quotation - returns the contents inside %>
<%# Comments - they are discarded from source %>

<%= if true do %>
  It is obviously true
<% else %>
  This will never appear
<% end %>

<%%= x + 3 %>

<%= {:ok, v} = Access.fetch(assigns, :foo); v %>

Xcode Style (xcode)

You can access this style as:


And invoke Makeup.stylesheet(style) to generate the appropriate stylesheets for you.


<% Elixir expression - inline with output %>
<%= Elixir expression - replace with result %>
<%% EEx quotation - returns the contents inside %>
<%# Comments - they are discarded from source %>

<%= if true do %>
  It is obviously true
<% else %>
  This will never appear
<% end %>

<%%= x + 3 %>

<%= {:ok, v} = Access.fetch(assigns, :foo); v %>